Have an effect on
Have an effect on

“The cold weather damaged the crop.” “The music deeply moved him.” If you can substitute affect with another verb, you are using the right word: The verb affect can also mean “to impress the mind or move the feelings of,” as in “The music deeply affected him.” (The music changed his feelings or thoughts). (The cold weather produced a change in the crops.) The verb affect means “to act on produce a change in” as in, “The cold weather affected the crops.” Generally, we use affect as a verb (an action word) and effect as a noun (an object word). Here is a basic guideline for affect or effect that can help clarify how to use the two words correctly:

have an effect on

It can be baffling to those whose first language is one other than English.

have an effect on

This can be confusing to those whose first language is English.

have an effect on

Both of these words are verbs and nouns and their meanings overlap.

Have an effect on